Follow the leader
A while back I received an e-mail from a reader who made the following request:
I am writing to ask if you could use your insight to explore a subject that fascinates me, and that is leadership, and why, I feel, it is a subject that liberals are loathe to examine.They will sniff about intellect and articulation, but never approach the core component called leadership, and without that, what is there in a politician?
I read the daily moanings about Bush from all parts of the Right, and it alienates me, and I'm confused why so many lack my patience or perspective on what is and isn't important about politics during this WoT. I'm puzzled by the lack of faith in his leadership, or the doubts about its usefulness.
My first reaction was: nah, doesn't interest me enough to write about it. Besides, it wasn't something I'd thought very much about before.
But I found the question stayed in my mind. Then I read this post at Sigmund Carl & Alfred, which got me to thinking more about this curious lack--not just the lack of leaders, but the lack of talk about leadership, and the lack of desire for leaders.
I'm interested in why we (and I include myself here) are somewhat averse to the very word "leader." One of the commenters on SC&A touched on what I consider the heart of the answer, and that is that leaders require followers. Or at least we think they do, in the common understanding of the word "leader."
Now, who in American wants to be a follower? Practically no one. Individualism was built into this country from the start, and the distaste for a leader in that sense is not limited to the left--it's very strong on the right, too. The idea of "leader" is too close to royalty on the one hand and to dictatorship on the other.
What comes to mind when you hear the word "leader"--in the political sense, that is? One image it conjures up for me is that of a vast Nazi arena, row upon rigid row, standing as one and giving a rousing "Sieg Heil" and that straight-armed Nazi salute. Another image I have is of the defendants in the Nuremberg dock saying to a man that they were just good Germans, following orders. Leadership took a big hit post-WWII, when it became horrifyingly clear where the extremities of leadership could take human beings. For what, after all, does the word "Fuhrer" mean in German, but "Leader?"
And then there is Big Brother, another iconic image--fictional, this time, but very powerful nonetheless. Anyone who has ever read Orwell's 1984 is probably chilled by the memory of the leader whipping the workers up into a frenzy in the Two Minutes Hate.
Then there is the Soviet example of near-deification of Stalin and Lenin, which rushed in to fill the gap when religion was discouraged by the Soviets, as evidenced by the preservation of their corpses as a sort of secular/political equivalent of holy relics.
So we must be careful. And indeed, we have been. Since Vietnam and Watergate, the press has made it its business to tear down every possible idol, to expose our leaders' feet of clay at every step. This has the benefit that we are not likely to follow blindly or to idealize our leaders. It has the drawback that, blinded by cynicism, we often don't see their positive traits or credit them with any good intentions.
This tendency is particularly pronounced in that notorious cohort to which I must confess I belong, the Baby Boomers. Raised by parents who had renounced some of the authority of their own parents; encouraged by our numbers, prosperity, and the press to take our adolescent rebellion to extremes; many of us have taken the charge "Question Authority" to heart. Some never stop questioning it and rebelling against it, often just for the sake of rebelling.
This may indeed also be part of those leftist attitudes towards the military, a mixture of condemnation ("baby-killers!"), victimization ("poverty-stricken tools of the ruling class") and patronization ("robots").
It's the latter trait ("robots") that I believe ties into what I've been saying here: because the military must follow orders (except illegal ones) and is overtly and explicitly hierarchical, with clear leaders and followers, many boomers on the left who like to continue to think of themselves as free spirits have a special contempt for those who volunteer for it.
But in fact a military would be impossible without such a structure--and I assume that those who volunteer for it are well aware of why they have assumed the burden of needing, at times, to follow, as well as needing to act on their own initiative at other times.
I agree with SC&A that the ability to be inspirational is a big part of political leadership in general. But that inspiration can't just be emotional; it should be hard-headed, based on a calculation of the decisions that leader has made, and always reserving a portion of skepticism. If one has a real reason to admire what a person in a position of leadership has done, it isn't as hard to be a follower when necessary, or to trust that things are in generally capable hands. Nowadays, however, the deck is stacked against this sort of attitude towards a leader from either party, in part because the press (and the opposition) is determined to cut all potential leaders down to size.
That refusal to put a leader on too high a pedestal is a good thing, and it has a long and illustrious history in this country--starting with Washington's refusal to go for a third term. But, as with so many things, balance is important. I believe the pendulum has swung too far in the opposite direction, and makes it hard to see whatever good really does exist in our political leaders.
How can a politician convince that he/she can lead? Churchill was an acknowledged wartime leader whose power to do so came at least partly through his stunning oratory. But we have seen that oratory is a double-edged sword--after all, Hitler is said (at least by Germans) to have been one of the greatest orators of all times, and to have exerted a strange and hypnotic spell on his listeners. I'm not a German speaker, but I find it hard to believe that Hitler's rhetorical power had anything in common with Churchill's except its power.
Of course, one of the criticisms of Bush, right from the start, has been his lack of verbal communicative skills. He's given some good speeches, but there's something in his delivery that is profoundly lacking, and it's especially lacking when he's speaking extemporaneously. Can a person exert leadership in the absence of such rhetorical abilities? I don't know, but it certainly makes the battle far more uphill.
A leader has to give off an aura of trustworthiness and strength, and I don't know exactly how that's done. Eloquence can certainly be part of it, although it can also deceive. And of course, words have to reflect more than the aura of strength and trustworthiness, it has to be the real deal. When you listen to a recording of Roosevelt actually speaking those famous words "The only thing we have to fear is, fear itself!" you can hear his own buoyant optimism come through loud and clear in his voice, and it lifts you up. Like a good parent (or leader), he comforts and reassures when it's needed the most.
Churchill was of a different sort: he spoke the worst and asked for sacrifice. Somehow, he got away with it. His personal courage was legendary, his voice an extraordinary and complex instrument that conveyed the deepest sorrow and yet the strongest determination possible. He fit the mood of his country and let them know they could endure anything, which was exactly what was needed at the moment.
When Lincoln was assassinated, the grieving poet Walt Whitman wrote the famous poem "O Captain! My Captain!" It's a lament for a leader fallen when the prize is so close at hand, a crie de cour on behalf of a nation bereft.
I'm not sure it would be possible anymore for this sort of metaphor and emotion about a leader to be expressed--or perhaps even felt--about a President. The feeling is composed of many things, but one of them is love.
O Captain! my Captain! rise up and hear the bells;
Rise up; for you the flag is flung; for you the bugle trills;
For you bouquets and ribbon'd wreaths; for you the shores a-crowding;
For you they call, the swaying mass, their eager faces turning;
Here Captain! dear father!
This arm beneath your head;
It is some dream that on the deck,
You've fallen cold and dead.
I think an aversion to acknowledge a leader and follow smacks of insecurity, at least of lack of self-awareness and understanding. Anyone who has acted as part of a group understands the vital need for effective leadership. Some might let their ego interfere, believing that they and only they can accomplish. Are these not the worse leaders as well as the worse followers?
To somehow believe that to follow means to be inferior is a fallacy born of insecurity. A leader is necessary to accomplish any group-based task. Why must there be any validation of worth or worthlessness associated?
When Bush was initially elected, I did not think much of him, just that he was better than the alternative of Gore. Even after 911 when he attacked Afghanistan, this was merely what any president would have done. That he directed a successful cleansing of Afghanistan says more about the military planning staff and leaders than Bush himself.
But to attack the root of terrorism with democracy, and use Iraq as the crucible I thought very bold, marking him as true leader.
Oh, we American civilians still have leaders. The Hollywood and MTV stars we cling to every word about in People magazine, the sports stars whose sweatshop-stitched shoes we shell out a hundred dollars for, the news anchors we trust to give us vital information no matter how many times they get caught forging their facts... all these people are still hailed as ubermensch that can do no wrong, by people who wouldn't trust a doctor, lawyer, or politician to tell them whether it's raining outside.
There is a certain degree of speak-for-yourself in my reply, because I don't have a problem with leadership. I have a problem with rulership.
The examples you hold up-- Hitler, Stalin, the fictional Big Brother-- are not leaders by my defintion, but rulers. A leader leads in part by wakling first where others wish to follow, even if they don't entirely know it, yet. Implicit in my definition of leadership is the reasoned choice to follow.
This, in contrast to rulers, who make the rules such that no one can elect not to follow. While it is certainly possible to start as a leader and become a ruler, I think we're in very little danger of that here.
And for completeness, the other end of the spectrum heads toward "pure democracy," which becomes an unmanageable slog at best, and mob rule at worst; on this as with many other subjects, the Founding Fathers displayed their genius.
In that sense, "leadership" is the embodiment of modern, western republic-style governments-- more than a leader is a ruler or a tyrant, while less invites the mob.
I still think that is Whitman's worst poem.
IMO, one of the reasons lefties don't like leaders--as opposed to rulers--has to do with somatotyping.
The mesomorph, bulky, muscular, athletic (and, surprise) high in testosterone, elicits following responses.
Wouldn't the weedy hippies actually prefer to be muscular, attractive to the opposite sex, athletic? Well, sure they would, but they don't have a chance, so they condemn all of it.
During the Viet Nam war, it was said by people who knew better that, "they're using football to sell the war". Others, who also knew better, nodded solemnly. If a couple of guys were throwing a football around, passing hippy wannabes could be depended upon for snarky remarks. It was okay to throw the ball around if you were studiedly awkward--grace and power were fascist--and kept an embarrrassed smile.
Colin Powell, speaking to a group at one of the service academies, told them to make themselves the kind of people soldiers would follow up a beach.
Andrew Scotia is right. Regulations will not make grunts follow a lieutenant into fire. There is nothing the military can do to a reluctant soldier that is worse, or as bad as, the results of a firefight.
IMO, leadership is scorned because of jealousy among the non-leaders of those who have "it".
"It" is not an entirely conscious thing, either among the leaders or among the followers, and so it can be dangerous. "It" must be leavened with judgment and humility.
Mary Renault, the late novelist of the classical age--and before--wrote a book called The King Must Die in which she referred to the Indo-European tradition--which is a bit sketchy--that, on occasion, the king must sacrifice himself, including suicide, if that's what it takes for the people to prevail.
One might see that in the continuing requirement for useless European royalty to wear uniforms at every opportunity. Among other things, they can't go into trade, but the symbolism that they stand ready to sacrifice themselves for the people goes beyond simply finding a profession that is honorable for their station.
H. L. Mencken, in his Treatise on The Gods spoke of hypothetical ancient beginnings of beliefs in personal supernatural individuals, as opposed to general magic, and suggested that the figure of "the Old Man as he heaved into battle before them" was one starting point.
We have no idea, of course, but the concept of leader in the western sense includes the requirement to stand up for the group. Rulers don't do this.
I think that there is much about present-day higher education that discourages the development of leadership and of followership. This is especially true of the so-called "elite" institutions.
Read these comments by an Army lieutenant about her experiences at Harvard. Note especially this:
"(At Harvard), the emphasis is on the individual--the "me", the "I," and the "mine." It is difficult to explain a group obligation to people who idolize the first person singular."
Kind of the opposite of the "follow me" ethos.
You are quite correct, Knucklehead, that I'm no expert on industrial psychology. My graduate degree is in marriage and family therapy, quite a different kettle of fish, and my undergraduate degree (psychology) focused on individual psychology (learning and memory, developmental, personality, etc.)
kung fu: I've never been a Whitman fan, myself. I am, however, quite fond of this one.
Read "The Reason Why" by Cecil Woodham Smith and see how Lord Cardigan led the charge of the light brigade. Cardigan bought his commission.
Then read "Masters of Chaos" by Linda Robinson and see how military leadership has changed in 150 years. The leadership within the unit--whether platoon, squad, battalion, regiment or army--is dogmatic, but the unit itself functions freely as the unit commander--whether private or general--sees fit for the situation. And that unit commander pays a horrible price if he's wrong. That's leadership.
Politicians don't lead. Their one job in life is to get elected and then stay elected, although sometimes the responsibility to lead falls out of the sky. It dropped on Bush and so far, sesquipedalia verba notwithstanding, he has led quite well.
"Authentic Leadership" by Bill George is a great guide to business leadership, and should work well for all non-military leaders. Mark
Ah yes, Knucklehead--but the "difficulty" is that you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink :-).
Anonymous at 6:02 PM: I think Clinton is one of the best examples ever of a consummate politician who had virtually no real leadership skills.
A leader is someone who is the front.
A leader carries all the burdens and takes all the hits yet continues onward.
Remember that Lincoln was despised by quite a few people in the North, not to mention the South. His passing was mourned by many, but I have no doubt it was celebrated by quite a few.
Kennedy was mourned by many as well. Led by the MSM, which no doubt saw in him a Utopian future for the Nation as well as the World, the political classes acted as though Kennedy was on equal footing with Lincoln.
I think we will not see that kind of mourning for any other than a leader of the Left, in a long, long time.
By vitruvius's definition, a ruler seems to be nothing more than a leader who's willing to kill anyone who opposes him.
If you let them be leaders long enough, all leaders eventually become rulers.
Promethea: "I guess I've been more than fed up lately with childish Americans posing as adults."
You ain't the only one P, you ain't the only one.
That the children don't realize the real threat is the most disturbing of all -- this isn't a HDL:LDL ratio thing, afterall...
Very introspective column, neo.
On the subject of articulateness and leadership, see my post Is John Kerry Smart?
We should be able to contrast Carter -- not much of a leader -- with Reagan, a clear conservative leader.
Were Carter to focus on the (mostly excellent) Habitat for Humanity, he would be a fine and honest ex-pres., instead of being a "useful idiot."
The Left likes personalities; even cults, as the personification of the current PC fad.
Still, Steve Jobs seems one of the better "leader" types among the Left. Pope John Paul II was an even greater leader.
Leadership is important -- but requires followership.
Bold leaders inspire bold followers.
Leaders that inspire confidence are leaders that have confident followers.
Leaders that keep their word have followers that have little doubt.
Leaders that can impart their vision have followers
that know where they are going.
A leader is someone willing to take risks for his/her constituents. That includes Andrew's military model ("ignoring the zipping sounds of close rounds"). That implies acting for the benefit of others, taking risks to one's own safety/reputation. A good leader also must have the will to win whatever contest he/she and his/her constituents are engaged in.
Now, who in American wants to be a follower? Practically no one. Individualism was built into this country from the start, and the distaste for a leader in that sense is not limited to the left--it's very strong on the right, too. The idea of "leader" is too close to royalty on the one hand and to dictatorship on the other.
In the military sense, leadership has little to do with political hindsight foibles, phobia, or other conditions of human thought and behavior.
Human society is both a congruently social one, with teamwork emphasized, as well as a purely heirarchical structure in which individual accomplishments and Alpha Male positions exist and are valued.
If you look at Japan, you will clearly see quite a lot of emphasis on teamwork, but you will also see a lot of emphasis on personal duty, honor, and loyalty.
The military has had to deal with this human nature without the blinders that politicians and businessmen tend to have on. Because the military cannot afford inefficiency because of some political correct SOP.
Therefore, the military has had to recognize that while you need officers (leaders) you also need people to carry out the officer's orders and enforce them (NCOs) without the leaders having to look over the underling's shoulder all the time (lack of initiative).
Initiative is a good thing, pure automation would actually be the result of poor leadership.
As such, leadership in its maximum form is actually a way of imposing Order on Chaos, without stagnation, entropy, or decay.
You get the structured purposefullness of a cohesive unit of people working for a common goal, but you don't destroy the individual diversity, intiative, and ingenuity that composes this unit. As such, Americans have clearly followed other people in our history, simply based upon the fact that the leaders proved to be both worth the trust, and had the same goals as they did.
Here, you see the heirarchy. The boss is treated as more important than the employee, but without the employee, the boss can't really do anything.
But you can't make equal the boss and the employee, because humans are not consensual folks, they don't operate as bees do.
The lack of leaders tend to result from the fact that to lead free men and women, you have to both show your respect for their dignity as well as prove that you are actually better than they are.
And that is quite hard to do, to convince men and women born in liberty, that someone is better than they are, that that person should be admired and respected and obeyed.
This brings me to the other point, which is Bush's lack of articulation.
Someone else made the point that everyone understands Bush's point. While that is true, the problem lies in the fact that Bush never goes up to the media and makes his point unless he absolutely has to. This is sort of like with polls, he doesn't use them unless he absolutely has to, sort of like on election night. Even then, he leaves that number crunching to Karl Rove.
Let me tell you people this, a President can't allow his public image to be "delegated" to underlings.
The American people can't be expected to follow the press secretary, Rumsfield, Conny, the White House press corps, or talking heads. They want to hear their President, and they want to know what he is doing, is planning to do, and thinks of us, the American people.
That is sort, of non-trivially hard to do when Bush ignores and subliminates, and absolutely avoids for the most part any media attention or giving speeches to the press.
The less he talks, Bush, the more time the media has to spin his words and make him say something that he actually didn't.
This makes the public distrust the media, true, but it also makes the public distrust Bush because we can't be sure of what he is thinking since he avoids the press.
He can't avoid the press without also shunning the American people.
His highest approval ratings where when America could see him face to face, talk about the issues that they were concerned about, and afterwards see that his words backed up his action.
Free men and women don't follow promises, they follow men and women of character.
People can be tired of others criticizing Bush for not being a great speech giver, but the fact is, that this deficiency and lack of communication is hurting the war effort both domestically and foreign wise.
Foreign affairs probably actually have a higher sense of confidence, because Bush has more direct dialogues with foreign people and our military in foreign countries, than Bush has with the American people on national television.
If anyone thinks that just traveling over the country is enough, doing face to face conversations, they will have to realize that the power of persuasion lies in national debates, not provincial ones.
Just compare Ronald Reagan, Churchill and Clinton's speeches/radio addresses to Bush's. You will see that Bush does the radio, but ignores anything else. The 21st century is not a "Radio century", enough people have televisions now. They had enough in Kennedy's time.
Bush supporters should not be hostile to articulate and meaningful national tv presentations just because Bush isn't good at having a dialogue with the American people, the lack of which is propounded upon by Bush's critics. It did not hurt Reagan nor does it hurt Arnold to have a charismatic national tv persona, and neither should anyone else who wants to support Bush believe that this lack on Bush's part is all that great an advantage in the long run.
The media have so relentlessly focused on Bush's lack of verbal ability because it is their main yardstick for measuring the world. Journalists manipulate words for a living; to them "verbal" intelligence is the only kind that matters.
The fact that Bush holds degrees from Yale and Harvard and was a licensed jet pilot doesn't rate as much as Clinton's ability to coin the lawyerly usage,
"It depends on what the meaning of the word 'is' is."
Between cocooning in the suburbs, extolling anti-heroes in film and television and worshipping at the alter of self, is it any wonder that were lousy followers? I scanned comments saying that leaders don't lead. It's very difficult to lead when no one is following. The 60s was a mixed blessing, great for civil and women's rights. But this is the downside of 'do your own thing.'
Peggy Noonan talks about following a Spiritual Father -- Pope John Paul II.
I think Bush should plan press conferences, with notes.
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