Monday, July 25, 2005

Today and tomorrow

Well, I'm home. I'm thankful to have had an uneventful return trip. But today has been a very hectic and busy day getting myself reorganized--or rather, that is, beginning to get myself reorganized. So, no time for blogging today, although I plan to post tomorrow.

By the way, on the plane back to Logan they showed the movie "Fever Pitch," supposedly a light and entertaining comedy about a rabid Red Sox fan. Being a fan myself--although I plan to take the next few decades off, now that they've finally won the Series--I thought I'd like it. Unfortunately, though, it was lame, unconvincing, and pretty unfunny (unless they cut all the good parts to give it that G rating). Ah, well.


At 8:03 PM, July 25, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Same movie we saw returning from SF (on Delta) a few weeks ago. My expectations were soooo low that the movie actually surprised me on the upside... meaning that it evoked a mild almost smile a time or two.

At 12:00 AM, July 26, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The original "Fever Pitch" is a great movie. The cover of the DVD looks like a cheap 80's flick, but the movie it worth renting.

At 6:54 AM, July 26, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Watch out Ebert and Siskel! :)

At 11:10 AM, July 26, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Forget the movie - the book by Nick Hornby is fantastic. It's a funny, insightful, and sometimes touching memoir of his own lifelong obsession of the Arsenal soccer team. This is the book sports fans give to non-sports fans to explain (justify? apologize for?) their dementia.


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