Saturday, January 28, 2006

Hamas charter

There's a movement afoot in the blogosphere to post the Hamas charter, in order to encourage those who are not aware of what Hamas stands for (is there anyone who fits that category any more?) to read it. Here's a link.


At 3:29 PM, January 28, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Geez, I guess Israel shouldn't have funded and supported Hamas eveyr way possible since its earliest days, huh?

At 4:50 PM, January 28, 2006, Blogger Epaminondas said...

Just post article 11 directly.
I keep on doing it.
It should give the euros a REAL THRILL

At 3:19 AM, January 29, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What's the point? Morons like Troutsky will just declare that it was written on Opposite Day, or whatever psychotic multiculturalist fantasy is currently fashionabe in academic circles.

At 9:55 AM, January 29, 2006, Blogger Barba Roja said...

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At 9:56 AM, January 29, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What's the point? Idiots like Anonymous here will just say "Hamas wrote some bad things; clearly all Palestinians are sub-human beasts who are worse than Nazis. If I were driven of my land and put under military occupation and penned in by an electrified fence, I'd be perfectly happy with it."

The truth is, (and I know this is a generalization) most Jewish people seem to resent the Palestinians for doing what they wish their ancestors had the courage to do all those years: resist. Instead of scattering to the four winds, the Palestinians have said 'no' to displacement, occupation, and annihilation. I can't approve of their tactics or their support for religious fundamentalists, but their courage and resolve is beyond dispute.

At 8:47 PM, January 30, 2006, Blogger Alex said...

Anon 9:56 wrote:

"[M]ost Jewish people seem to resent the Palestinians for doing what they wish their ancestors had the courage to do all those years: resist."

So are you saying that the reason that the Jews were slaughtered by the Nazis is because they didn't have the courage to resist?

There is a monumental difference here, which is that the Israelis are not trying to kill the Palestinians. If they wanted to kill them they would just march over with their vastly superior army and kill them, end of story. All the Palestinian "courage" and "resolve" with which you are so enamored would not matter one iota if the Palestinians were facing an enemy who was actually evil, and actually bent on their destruction.

At 4:03 PM, February 03, 2006, Blogger Ymarsakar said...

I like Hamas. Who else can we kill except Al-Qaeda and Hizbollah?

There's got to be some people out in the world to fight against and obliterate. Without an Evil to rail against, no Good would result.

Israel doesn't operate under that battle philosopy. Bad for them, good for HAMAS.

If you don't get rid of your enemies when they begin, they will get rid of you at the end.

How many Israelis have been killed that might have contributed to the State of Israel? Their population wasn't high to begin with.

Hamas's charter is Hitler's Mein Kampf. People who don't want a fight, tend to get a fight, and not on their terms.

At 1:39 AM, February 20, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You should really do your research better. Hamas is underway at revamping their charter to indicate their more nationalistic views and less fundamentalist values.


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